Anfang der 1960er gab es
Mr. Asimov, soon we’ll be reading and writing on computer screens. — Ted Nelson, 19611
1960/19061 nimmt Ted Nelson (23) in Harvard an einem Computerkurs teil. Ihm wird klar, dass mit Computern Dokumente verwaltet werden könnten.
Er nennt das von ihm erdachte System “Xanadu”.
Außer Douglas Engelbart versteht niemand was er meint.
I mistook a clear view for a short distance
— Ted Nelson
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IBM 704 21 March 1957 by NASA (public domain)
“zippered lists” aus Nelson (1965a)
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Daley, R. C., and P. G. Neumann. 1965. “A General-Purpose File System For Secondary Storage.” In Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference, 213–230.
Nelson, Ted. 1965a. “Complex Information Processing: a File Structure for the Complex, the Changing and the Indeterminate.” In Proceedings of the 20th ACM National Conference, 84–100. Cleveland: ACM.
———. 1965b. “The Hypertext.” In Proceedings of the International Federation of Documentation (FID) Congress. 31. Washington, DC.
———. 2010. Possiplex: Movies, Intellect, and Creative Control. My Computer Life and the Fight for Civilization. Mindful Press.